wed 12/02/2025

Arts Jobs - -

Festival Programmer


The annual Richmondupon Thames Literature Festival is seeking an experienced festival programmer with excellent literary contacts and knowledge of the live literature scene to co-ordinate and manage the festival in November 2012.

Applicants should have at least 2 years experience in a similar programming position working in live literature, along with excellent skills and experience in arts administration/events management.

The successful applicant will be responsible for programming the main festival, fringe programme, young people’s programme and all outreach and participation activity.

They will plan and co-ordinate a successful marketing campaign to support the festival and to ensure that sufficient income targets are reached.

The post-holder will also be responsible for all budget monitoring, fundraising and sponsorship activity. While maintaining existing partnerships, the post-holder will also be required to nurture new relationships with potential sponsors, funders and venue partners.

The successful applicant will have experience and enthusiasm for delivery of arts activity at community level and will develop and promote literature outreach activities throughout the borough.

The post-holder will also be required to build on recent audience development activity with a focus on encouraging a wider audience range through targeted programming and tailored marketing.

This position is offered on a part-time freelance basis of 1-2 days per week for seven months (April – October) with a project fee of £5000 to be paid at monthly instalments on a self-employed basis.

Deadline is Friday 20th April at 5pm.

Contract Type: 
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Job Location: 
Salary Max: 
Closing Date: 
Application Instructions: 

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