Videogames: Best of 2015

Submitted by Simon Munk on Fri, 09/01/2015 - 00:15

VIDEOGAMES: BEST OF 2015 theartsdesk's videogames writers pick the most exciting games coming this year

It's an exciting time to be a videogamer – the mix of big budget and independent titles, the opportunities increasingly offered by a wider variety of devices and streaming content, the sheer processing power developers have to work with. But what does emerge from this list is a lack of innovation in terms of enemy intelligence, emotional depth or narrative complexity. Perhaps we'll have to wait for 2016 for those…

Game of Thrones

Episode one may have had a shaky start but Telltale know their stuff and the seeds have been sown for an epic gaming 'box set'. Stuart Houghton


The next game from the creators of Dark Souls - a beautiful, savage tale of curses and monsters set in a majestic gothic city. Helen K Parker


The next generation of co-operative multi-player? Four people play as an infantry squad up against a fifth person controlling an evolving monster. Simon Munk

No Mans Sky

A free-roaming, shared-world, space exploration game with billions of procedurally-generated planets? Here is my money. Take it all. Stuart Houghton

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

A daringly ambitious open world stealth sandbox, and the biggest Metal Gear to date. Helen K Parker

The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

Bigger and better than The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? That remains to be seen – but this fantasy role-playing epic is huge and hotly-anticipated. Simon Munk

Minecraft Story Mode

Minecraft developers Mojang working with Telltale Games to produce an episodic, story-based game set in the world of Minecraft. If they can work Kentucky Route Zero in there somewhere I will never leave the house. Stuart Houghton

The Legend Of Zelda

Can this game save the ailing Wii U? Probably not, but given Nintendo's commitment to quality, it's pretty sure to be amazing. Simon Munk