Nicole Beharie and Alexis Chikaeze in Miss Juneteenth

There are films to meet every taste in theartsdesk's guide to the best movies currently on release. In our considered opinion, any of the titles below is well worth your attention.

Enola Holmes [3] ★★★★ Millie Bobby Brown gives the patriarchy what-for in a new Sherlock-related franchise

Eternal Beauty [4] ★★★★ Craig Roberts's fantasy conjurs surreal images and magnetic performances

I'm Thinking of Ending Things [5] ★★★★ Charlie Kaufman's eerie road trip through love and loss

Les Misérables [6] ★★★★★ An immersive, morally complex thriller set in the troubled suburbs of present day Paris

Max Richter's Sleep [7] ★★★★ Meditative new documentary perfectly captures the composer’s boldest experiment

Miss Juneteenth [8] ★★★★ Debuting director Channing Godfrey Peoples brings some heart to pageantry

Monsoon [9] ★★★★ Developing the subtle palette of his debut 'Lilting', Hong Khaou's second feature broadens its horizons

Rocks [10] ★★★★★ Sarah Gavron and Theresa Ikoko’s collaboration pays off in this impressively well-crafted neo-realist drama

The Devil All The Time [11] ★★★★ Anthony’s Campos’ blood-drenched period tale based on Donald Ray Pollak’s novel

The Painted Bird [12] ★★★★ A bestial horror conveyed with beauty

The Trial of the Chicago 7 [13] ★★★★ A political drama that speaks to today’s politically turbulent world

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